Covid-19 precautions for your health and safety on board 'Skellig Falcon'

A few changes to the way we look after you and you look after each other when on board.

General Health

We’d ask all our passengers to cancel their trip in the event that they are unwell for whatever reason. Please don’t come if you’re feeling under the weather, especially if you or anyone in your household has Covic-19 symptoms. 

Hand hygiene

We’ll provide hand sanitiser for passenger use on board ‘Skellig Falcon'. 


The hand sanitiser we use will contain at least 70% alcohol; we may source it from more than one supplier.

Hygiene on board

We have a marine WC cubicle on board which will be cleaned between usage.


The vessel will be cleaned before and after each trip.


All surfaces which are used by passengers (eg., WC, handles, doors, hand and grab rails, seats) will be cleaned before and after each trip.

Respiratory hygiene

We would ask passengers to observe good respiratory hygiene, using a tissue to cover any coughs/sneezes.


There is currently no Government requirement for passengers to wear a face-mask.

Until/unless that advice changes, we do not require passengers to wear face-masks while on deck.



Physical distancing

We can carry a maximum of 12 passengers per trip. 


Where possible during boarding and disembarking, we would ask that each group respects social distancing.


When on board, we ask that members of each group stay in each other’s company as much as possible and respect physical distancing between groups.


Further information

Because of HSE requirements, after booking confirmation we will contact the individual responsible for the booking to confirm whether or not other passengers included in the booking constitute a single household in which no-one needs to be socially distant from each other.


We will also require additional information as per the HSE guidelines in force at the time.

Other measures

As further advice from Government emerges, we will adopt other precautions as necessary.


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